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Friday- September 19, 2003 (Updated 10/30/03) #2
Ponderings From The Eternal Now

     What to write if anything at all. How does one explain these last two weeks when it seems like a lifetime? There are two very distinct sides to life these days - light and dark. Most of the guards intimidate us every chance they get. It was almost impossible not to be full of tears, but not so much as time passes.
    Each of us has two people assigned: 1) A case manager, who deals with all matters outside the compound: release planning, processes visitor lists, etc. he serves as a liaison between the inmate, (he administration and the community. Mine is a young arrogant man. 2) A correctional counselor deals with all issues while here at Alderson. Mine has heard of "Plowshares" and seems a bit more human.
      September 17th was my first team meeting, what is called "classification."  I met with 6 people and was put on the "hot seat" at 6 pm.  Besides my case manager (who ran the meeting) and the correctional counselor, was a man from education, another case manager and counselor, as well as the unit team manager, who already had problems with me. 
      The 15 minute meeting started by informing me that I was a "violent criminal" and was required by law to submit to a DNA test. (On 9/30/03 I was notified I did not need to submit to this lest.) We then proceeded to a counselor telling them I didn't want to sign up for any of their programs. It was announced I would be programmed. You will take anger management (Claim 1 really need this one - the women laughed and said "you are the gentlest person we know"), Turning Point, which is taken mostly by women at the end of their stay in the drug program, helps a person find God, and Effective Ministry, a year long program on lay ministry. The camp gets money for each program we take!
      I was told my altitude needs to be monitored by the guards and they want programmed leisure time. 1 told them I was in weaving and knitting, I have tons of mail and I'm capable of monitoring my time. I could go on but you get the feeling. I am anxious to hear if this attilude is what Jackie and Ardeth experience. Most, if not all people would be called back in six months for review. My next meeting is in three months!
      The light side of life is the beautiful geographical setting and the women I'm getting to know. The stories are painful and bring tears of a different kind. I'm shocked at the number of old women coming in. My world news these days is mostly reading headlines as I pass the TV room.
     For the fashion conscious, my wardrobe is khaki elastic band pants and long sleeve shirts - all men's. Olive green jackets! We are allowed gray sweat pants and shirts after 4 p.m. and on week-ends for those who can afford them.
      We also must wear our ID card with # and picture in a plastic case around our necks at all times. We sign in and out everywhere we go as to be "accountable".
      My reflection since arriving has been from Blaise Pascal:
"Justice and power must be brought together so that what is just may be powerful and whatever is powerful may be just."
      Not seeing much justice these days, you are my strength and my hope!
                            Deepest love.
P.S. DNA background Elimination Act of 2000
1) Director of BOP shall collect a DNA sample from each person who has been convicted of certain federal offenses.
2) The Director of BOP may detain and restrain a person to collect the sample.
3) Refusal is a class A misdemeanor.
4) Crimes of murder, sexual abuse, slavery, kidnapping and robbery.
5) In addition the Attorney General can add any crime of violence as defined in Seciion !6 of Title 18. 18U.S. 2155-sabotage qualifies!

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on October 2, 2003 ruled the DNA test was unconstitutional.