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Ramblings and Reflections

Newsletter 9
March 2004

If anyone speaks ill of you, Praise them always.  If anyone injures you, Serve them nicely.
If anyone persecutes you, Help them in all possible ways.  You will attain immense strength.  You will control anger and pride.  You will enjoy peace, poise and serenity.  You will become divine. - Swami Sivanda

Dear friends of justice and peace,

Lent gratitude! - Resurrection joy!

Yes, Lent is my most favorite liturgical season and springtime, which enhances my body and spirit, is my favorite chronological season.  Sister Carol, who sent a message to me through others, cautioned me to be gentle with myself during the penitential days, saying,  “remember that prison is penance in itself.”

A group of us who met daily for breakfast decided to awaken each morning with gratitude on our minds for two things that we would then share at table (that will total 92 things by Easter Sunday).  What a wonderful Lenten practice this has been!  Those depressed are keenly aware of gifts that are free.  Their lives seem to have taken on new meaning.  When we have more time together, the sharing opens up whole long stories, so we know each other better and understand the sacrifices they offer to God this Lent.  This practice is helping us accept the harshness of prison life rather than adding more to the burdens.

Many peacemakers in prison, however, were fasting with you on March 20th as you took to the streets.  Thanks, Gary Ashbeck, for suggesting that we do this together….  We trust we are millions of people united.

Mordecai Vanunu – Welcome and Gratitude!

“Yours the voice that cried aloud publishing death.  Doggedly in pursuit of truth.  You the one snatched from the crowd, languishing in Ashkelon.  Solitary in your cell.  We may not have met you.  Yet we know you well.  The headlines fade, the years pass.  But we shall not forget – Yours the palm pressed to the glass.  We see it yet”.  by Molly Russell Smith

Mordecai, you are in our hearts; please come to our home that we may say think you in person for revealing nuclear weapons in Israel and doing 18 years of time for your truth-telling.  Release date - April 22, 2004.

Have you heard?

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Send a donation and obtain The Nuclear Resister  PO Box 43383, Tucson, AZ 85733


Thanks Again and Again

I am showered with your gifts and express my gratitude to God and to you.  When the books arrive, the donor names have been removed, so I hope you see the title and accept my thanks:

The Great Whiskey Rebellion by Helene Smith
The Sun Dance by Helene Smith
Beyond Patching by Sandra Schneiders
The Women Sealed in the Tower by Betsy Caprio
May I Have This Dance? by Joyce Rupp
Spirituality and Liberation by Robert McAfee Brown
Nature and Spirituality by Virginia Skidlant
Prayer of St. Francis by Leonardo Boff
Booklets on Nonviolence,  Booklets:  Inherited from Pioneers by Ekevall, Lenten Reflections Psalms for Praying by Nan C. Merrill
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
Lineage and We’re All Doing Time by Bolozoff
Black Elk Speaks by John Neihardt
Morality for Beautiful Girls by Alexander McCall Smith
Thomas More by Anne Murphy
Tears of the Giraffe by Alexander McCall Smith
Some of Us Did Not Die by June Jorda

Your letters, xeroxed information, Bishop Gumbleton’s homilies, Updates on Weapons Production and World Affairs are wonderful materials that I receive regularly.  Gratias!  o all of you authors who sent your books.  Your works are deeply appreciated

Coming to Danbury?

Is it true that 3 peacemakers from the November SOA Watch action are coming to Danbury?  I am “quietly” rejoicing in this holy week entrance date, April 6, if this news is true.  And please, tell Martha Stewart to come right in to learn this system from the inside, to examine the use of her taxes, and to begin a new journey – the walk of a life-time in behalf of the billions of people made poor in the world because of economic injustices

My Easter Prayer

“We are threads of all colors, gifted and free, creating for Earth a tapestry of justice.
We are living and loving, working and dreaming, hoping, believing that all may be one.
We are threads of all colors, gifted and free, creating for Earth a tapestry of justice.
We are singing and dancing, teaching and healing, giving, receiving that all may be one.
We are gathered and sent with hearts that can see, creating for Earth a tapestry of justice.
(Author unknown

Ardeth Platte  # 10857-039
Federal Correction Institution
33 ˝ Pembroke Station
Danbury, CT 06811