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Brothers and Sisters in the Military: "Refuse to Fight! Refuse to Kill!"

You are being ordered to war in the footsteps of veterans, who, more than 10 years ago, were sent to fight the first Gulf War. Many of those vets returned with severe and unacknowledged illnesses. Many gave birth to severely deformed children. All were abandoned by the Veterans Administration.
You are being ordered to war by the most powerful nation on earth. You are being ordered to war by a nation with the most destructive weapons ever conceived, developed, deployed or used.
You are being ordered to war by a nation whose self-acknowledged posture is that of world domination, mastery, control.
This nation can have no moral justification for war.

We, the undersigned, are convinced that war is the greatest evil on earth. We believe that humankind must end war, or war will end humankind, and, in fact, all of creation.
Our convictions have driven us time and again to the Pentagon, White House and Congress in acts of civil resistance to war.
Now, we bring our plea to you, sisters and brothers, in the armed forces.
Refuse to kill.
Refuse the order to go to war.
Leave the military before it is too late.
We know your resistance to war will be difficult and require great courage But please reflect:
Is it more difficult than fighting in war?
Is it more difficult than being a pawn of corporate greed?
Is it more difficult than living with a violated conscience?
Is it more difficult than living with the poisons of war in your body and spirit?
Wrong is easy. Right is difficult and long. Do what your heart says is right.

We knowingly and willingly make this plea to you in violation of 18 USC Sec. 1381 and 2387 . (see below) We knowingly and willingly embrace some of your risk by urging you to refuse duty in the U.S. military. We plead with you, as Bishop Oscar Romero pleaded with Salvadoran troops: "When you hear the words of a man telling you to kill, remember instead the words of God: 'Thou shalt not kill!' No soldier is obliged to obey an order contrary to the law of God?In the name of God, in the name of our tormented people who have suffered so much and whose laments cry out to heaven, I beseech you, I beg you, I order you in the name of God, stop the repression!'" If you choose to leave the military, please know that our hearts and homes are open to you.

Contact Jonah House (410-233-6238)
or Dorothy Day Catholic Worker (202-882-9649)


Abbot Bishop John-Anthony, O.S.C., Benedictine, Victoria, B.C.
Briana Adato
David Agee
Gwendolyn Albert
Jackie Allen
Jeanne Allen
Dorothy N. Anderson,
Frances Annemarie Ostensen
Amy Antonucci
Mary Beth Appel
David Arthur
Gary Ashbeck, Jonah House
Alice Bach
Mary Ann Bacon
Elizabeth Bain, S.S.N.D.
Katherine & Clinton Bamberger
Sara Bania-Dobyns
Sr. Diane Bardol, G.N.S.H.
Ellen Barfield, Veterans for Peace
Steve Barrett
Kevin M. Bartoy
Dotti Freed Baumgarten
Harvey Baylis
Mike Beckman
Suzanne Belote
Karin Bennett
Barbara Benton
Daniel Berrigan, S.J.
Frida Berrigan
Johanna Berrigan, House of Grace
Kate Berrigan, Oberlin College
Dr. Rosalie Bertell, G.N.S.H.
Jacqueline Berry
Sharon Browning, Philadelphia PA
Lauren Biehl
Pat Birnie
Mary Ellen Blackwell, S.F.C.C.
Gregory Boertje-Obed
Kathy Boylan, Dorothy Day Catholic Worker
Tim Boylan
Bob Bossie, S.C.J.
Roy Bourgeois, M.M.
Rev. Bill Brisotti
Joan Brown, O.S.F.
Rev. David & Marion Atwood Brown
Bunny Bryant, West Chester, PA
Danny Burns
David Busch
Bernard J. Bush, S.J.
Catherine Bush
Fran Cahill
Lauren C. Cannon, Voices in the Wilderness
Jesse Carr, Oberlin College
Joan Cavanagh
Edith T. Cheney
Carolyn Chernoff, Philadelphia, PA
Jen Clapham
Thomas Cleary
Ronald F. Coburn, MD, Prof of Physiology and Medicine at University of Pennsylvania
Andy Collins
Frank Corcoran, Veterans for Peace
Tom Cordaro
Corienne Carey
Oscar Castro, AFSC, National Youth and Military Program
Chloe Cola
Marlene Colbeck, NJ
Mark & Luz Colville, Amistad Catholic Worker
Catia Confotini
Fr. Frank Cordaro, Des Moines Catholic Worker
Susan Crane, Jonah House
Gary & Jennifer Culp
Rob Currie, S.J. Nicaragua
Amy Dalton
Murphy Davis, Open Door, Atlanta, GA
John Dear, S.J.
Stephen Dear
Joseph G. DeBenedictis, B.F.C.C.
D.C. Anti-war Network Gwendolyn Debrow
Michelina & Vinton Deming, Philadelphia, PA
Peter DeMott
Marie DeMott Grady
David Dionisi
Des Moines Catholic Workers
Mary Pat Dewey, O.P.
Susan Chase Dietrich
Gretchen Ditschle
Keith Dodge
Rev. William Dohman, J.C.L.
Sean Donahue
Mary & Mike Donnelly, ME
Sean Donovan, Catholic father
Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, DC
Chris Doucot
Jackie Downing
Terrence Doyle
Gwen Dubois, MD
Edward Dyer
Bob Earnest
Ruth Gagnon Eastbrook
Alice Edgerton
Stephen Edgerton
Susan C. Edwards, Delaware County Wage Peace and Justice
Ann Ehrich
Vincent Scotti Eirene
Barbara & Richard Epstein
Leonor Esguerra
Marjorie Eulmer, Brandywine Peace Community
Every Church a Peace Church
Anne C. Ewing
Sr. Jacinda Fernandes, OSB
Joe Ferrara, Chicago IL
Renaye Fewless
David Fife, Tucson, AZ
Lloyd Fillion
Michael Fitzpatrick
Ana Grady Flores
Elizabeth Flower, Quaker, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Frank Fortkamp
Constance M. Fox
Paul Frazier
Magdalene Carole Francis-Lohmar, Sanctuary of Hope Solitude
Jason Fults
Marcia Gagliardi
Stephanie Gail
Finnian Gallagher, Belfast, No. Ireland
Tory Gates
Dr. Peter Gathje
Carol Gilbert, O.P.
Jack Gilroy
Ted Glick
Neil Golder
Stella Marie Goodpasture, O.P.
Thomas Gordon
Jenneca Rose Graber-Grace
Mary Grace
Ellen Grady

Oona Grady DeFlaun
Grand Rapids Chapter of Don't Waste Michigan
Fr. John Grathwohl
Vince Green
Bruce Grimes, Sumneytown, PA
Lisa Guido
Stephen M. Gulick, Philadelphia, PA
Bishop Tom Gumbleton
Jean & Joe Gump
Evelyn Haas
Bill Hagel
Robert Hain
Mary Ann Hain
Mary Hankins
Clare Hanrahan
John Harris, Hartford Catholic Worker
Judith A. Heffernan, M.Div
John Heid
Jane Heil
Cassie Heino
Libby Heino
Gwen L. Hennessey, O.S.F
Robert Herbstritt
Mary Hess, WILPF, Hartford, CT
Cynthia Hirni
Barbara Hirshkowitz
Mary Sean Hodges, O.P.
Lee Hoefer
House of Grace Catholic Worker
Jane Hosking
Donna Howard
Barbara Huber, S.C.
Reggie Hutchins
Ralph Hutchinson
Ithaca Catholic Worker Community
Iraq Pledge of Resistance, Tucson,AZ
Allan Irving, Prof Social Work, Widener University
Joe Izzo, Quaker
Tom Jackson
Lana & Steve Jacobs
Ron Jacobs, Vermont
Melissa Jameson, War Resisters League
Christopher Jones
Edythe M. Jones, Esq.
Chuck Johnson
Jonah House, Baltimore MD
Mary Juette, Woodbury, MN
Jackie Hudson, O.P
Brian Karabinos.
Barb Kass
Barb Katt
Chuck Kausman
George & Maureen Kehoe-Ostensen
Joergen Kehoe-Ostensen
Carol Marie Kelly, O.S.F.
Stephen Kelly, S.J.
Kathleen R. Kennedy
Megan Kennedy
Scott Kennedy, Resource Center for Nonviolence
Betty Kenny, O.S.F., Rochester, MN
Robert G. Ketron, Baltimore, MD
Ken & Mary Kiernan, Rockaway Beach, NY
Harry C. Kiely
Joel Kilgour, Loaves and Fishes Catholic Worker
Ed Kinane
Richard John Kinane
Betty King, Catholic mother
Rev. Steven M. King
Margaret Knapke
Stephen Kobasa
Bob & Tess Koenig
Gary G. Kohls
Harris Kornstein
Samuel Krakow, Drexel Hill, PA
Robert Krall
Shawn Kraemer
Lorraine Krofchok
Katherine Krolczyk
Rev. George J. Kuhn
Art Laffin, Dorothy Day Catholic Worker
John LaForge
George Lakey
Maura Leahy, Pendle Hill, PA
Jonathan Leavitt
Rev. Dexter Lanctot,
Kathleen Lanctot, Epiphany House,
Pat Landsel
Eric LeCompte, Pax Christi USA
Karen B. Lenz, Philadelphia Catholic Worker
Bronwyn Lepore
Thomas Lewis, Emma House Catholic Worker
Ed Loring, Open Door, Atlanta, GA
Robert Ludwig
Eileen T. Lundy
Elizabeth Marx, Temple Univerity
Margaret McKenna, M.M.S.
Lissa McLeod
Elmer Maas
Joan MacIntyre, CA
Kitty Madden, Casa Materna de Matagalpa
Andy Mager
Paul Magno, Peter Maurin Center, DC
Rev. Susan Manning, Pebble Hill Church
Linda Manzo, Brandywine Peace Community
Kristan Markey
Dolly J. Marshall
Reba & Scott Mathern-Jacobson
Monica McAghon
Elizabeth McAlister, Jonah House
Colleen McCarthy
Kathryn E. McClanen
Maureen McDonnell, O.P.
Rick McDowell
James F. McGovern, Jr.
Laura McIlvain, PA
Joyce McLean, Los Gatos, CA
Skip Mendler, North Branch Friends Meeting
Dave McReynolds
Hannah Mermelstein
Karol & Glen Miller, Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action
Will Mische
Emma Miles
Mike Miles
Ollie Miles
Philip Miles
Susan Miller
Esther Mohler-Ho
Dr. Pamela Monaco
Jeff Monjack
Anne Montgomery R.S.C.J.
Ceylon Mooney
Maureen Morello, NJ

Michael Morrill, PA
Patricia Morrison, Tucson, AZ
Joe Morton
John Mote
Rev. Sebastian Muccilli
Tom Mullian, Brandywine Peace Community
Luci Murphy
Retta Murphy
Margaret M. Murtha
Tom & Carole Murtha, Haddon Heights, NJ
Ched Myers
David Naar
Michele Naar-Obed
Hattie Nestle
Bob Neveln, Assoc. Prof of Computer Science and Math
Ruth O'Neil
Martha Ni h'Uailaighe
Kathleen & Michael Niece, Coastside Catholic Worker, CA
Sara Nissley
Anthony Nicotera, IL, SOA Watch/Chicago Peace Response
Karl & Trisha Novak
Max Obuszewski
Dick Ochs
Stephen Oldham
Gil Ott
Paula & Frank Panzarella
Jonathan Parfrey
Jerry Park
Lavender Parke
Carol Parker
David Partridge, Co-chair, Clergy Against Nuclear Attack (CANA)
Andy Peifer
Melanie Persche, O.L.V.M., Huntington, IN
Walter Pietsch, ARISE, NY
Ardeth Platte, O.P.
Russ Plywaczynski, Loyola Univ. Chicago
Bill & Gaile Pohlhaus, Wayne, PA
Laurie Pollack, PA
Beth Preheim, Marian, SD
Doris Pulone, Mt. Holly, NJ
Bill Quigly, Law Professor, Loyola Univ. New Orleans
Elizabeth Raasch-Gilman
Robert Raines
Susan Ravitz, LEPOCO
Kimberly Redigan, Catholic Mother and Teacher
Barbara Reed
Margaret Mary Reher
Paul Rehm
Ken Reichstein
Jerry Reitman
Mary T. Rice
Rosalie Riegle
Grace Ritter
Jon Robb
Patricia Rogan, S.B.S.
Gene Roman, N.Y.
Lin Romano
Leo Romo
Kurt Rosenberg, Swarthmore, PA
Ellen Rubin
Elsa Russell-Lichtenberg
Dick & Gladys Rustay, Open Door Community, Atlanta, GA
Francis Maria Salvato, S.R.I., ThD, Minister General Sodales Franciscani Immaculatae
Leo Sandy
Marlene Santoyo, Germantown Monthly Meeting
Rev. Finley Schaef
Claire & Scott Schaeffer-Duffy
Betty Schroeder
Leslie Schultz
Carol Seeley
Lois Seeligsohn
Rev. Robert R. Schulze
Brayton Shanley
Donna Sharer
Marsette Sloan
Robert M. Smith, Brandywine Peace Community
David Smith-Ferri, CA
Anne Somsel
Joseph C. Spina, O.S.F.
Michael Sprong, Marion, SD
St. Francis Catholic Worker,
St. Isaac of Nineveh Gift of Tears Catholic Worker
Rev. Amy Stapleton
Lesley Stearns, Philadelphia, PA
Gail Steiner
Audrey Stewart
Jessica Stewart
Tricia Sullivan, Ground Zero Community, Poulsbo, WA
Cy & Lois Swartz, Grandparents for Peace in the Middle East, PA
Michelle Syverson, Catholic Peace Activist
Mary & Carl Tann
Ann Tiffany
Linda H. Traver-Neeld, West Chester, PA
Brian Terrell, Catholic Peace Ministry, IA
William & Ellen Thomas, Peace Park Anti-nuclear Vigil, DC
Ray Torres, First United Methodist Church of Germantown, PA
Bonnie Urfer
Marge Van Cleef
Claire Vogel
Voices in the Wilderness
Brendan Walsh
Elizabeth Walters, I.H.M.
Jamie Walters
Michael Wehle
Dr. Fred Wilcox
Bonnie Willdorf
Sara Willi
Lillian & George Willoughby
Teresa F. Wilson
Bonnie & Mike Wisniewski, Los Angeles Catholic Worker
William R. Woodward WWII Veterans for Peace
John Wurth
Rev. Bill Wylie-Kellermann
Fr. Jerry Zawada

18 USC (United States Code) Section 1381. Enticing desertion and harboring deserters, Whoever entices or procures, or attempts or endeavors to entice or procure any person in the Armed Forces of the United States, or who has been recruited for service therein, to desert therefrom, or aids any such person in deserting or in attempting to desert from such service; or Whoever harbors, conceals, protects, or assists any such person who may have deserted from such service, knowing him to have deserted therefrom, or refuses to give up and deliver such person on the demand of any officer authorized to receive him - Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

Section 2387. Activities affecting armed forces generally (a) Whoever, with intent to interfere with, impair, or influence the loyalty, morale, or discipline of the military or naval forces of the United States:
(1) advises, counsels, urges, or in any manner causes or attempts to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the military or naval forces of the United States; or (2) distributes or attempts to distribute any written or printed matter which advises, counsels, or urges insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the military or naval forces of the United States -
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
(b) For the purposes of this section, the term "military or naval forces of the United States" includes the Army of the United States, the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve of the United States; and, when any merchant vessel is commissioned in the Navy or is in the service of the Army or the Navy, includes the master, officers, and crew of such vessel.